Around Oxford Taylor Reformation

Chatting with Luther

This article was originally posted on the Taylor Reformation blog which has now become part of the Taylor Editions website with a dedicated Reformation Pamphlets series.

Title page from 1524 showing discussion
Title page of Disputacion zwischen ainem Chorherrenn vnnd Schüchmacher : dariñ das wort gottes vnd ein recht Cristlich wesen verfochtten wirtt. Sachs, Hans, 1494-1576. | [Augsburg : Melchior Ramminger], 1524. ARCH.8o.G.1524(26)

After the successes of the last three years’ competitions jointly organised by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the IMLR, they are joining forces again to launch the fourth writing competition for all learners and lovers of German.

This year, the task ties in with the 500th anniversary of Luther’s publication of his 95 theses that sparked the Reformation. Put yourself in the shoes of a time-travelling spy: you overhear a conversation between Luther or one of his German, Austrian or Swiss contemporaries (real or imagined) and a figure from public life in 2017 Britain. Is the German-speaking 16th-century time traveller debating Brexit with Boris Johnson or comparing sporting skills with Andy Murray? Does Jamie Oliver try to revolutionise cooking skills of Reformation Germany? Write down what you hear! The only two rules: the dialogue must be written in German and it must not be longer than 350 words.

The competition is open to students at secondary schools, sixth-formers, undergraduates, postgraduates and anybody else who feels up to the challenge! Submissions are welcome from single authors and from pairs of contributors, and they must be submitted online.

The online portal to submit dialogue contributions will be open from 6 October. Watch this space! For any queries in the meantime, please contact Vanessa at

Deadline: Monday, 23 October 2017


  • A workshop with translation and theatre practitioners
  • Book prizes
  • VIP guided tours through exhibitions in London

A prize-giving event will take place on Monday, 11 December 2017, in London.

The competition is a cooperation between DAAD London, The Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR) and the Goethe Institut London. It is also kindly supported by the German and the Swiss Embassies London and the Austrian Cultural Forum.

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