A tour by Emma Huber and Henrike Lähnemann for Meeting Minds
More information: http://blogs.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/taylorian and https://historyofthebook.mml.ox.ac.uk/
Watch the 2021 online version of the tour on youtube:
The library has
- 55 incunables
- 1,359 titles from the 16th century
- 3,447 from the 17th century,
- 10,442 from the 18th century and
- c. 41,800 from the 19th century.
Notable Dates and Names
- 1845 Taylor Institution founded
- 1874 Teaching Collection starts
- Max Friedrich Müller (1823-1900, Professor of Modern European Languages)
- Hermann Georg Fiedler (1862-1945, 1st Taylor Professor of German)
- Giles Barber (5th librarian 1970-1996)
There are a number of unexpected collections, curiosities and oddities such as
- A lock of Goethe’s hair which has a manuscript shelfmark due to the authentication letter (MS. 8° G 26)
- Memories of from a trip to Germany with King Edward VIII in 1913 from the Fiedler Collection
- Correspondence by the German author Wolfgang Hildesheimer with his Oxford based English translator

Reformation Pamphlets
More information on this: https://editions.mml.ox.ac.uk/topics/reformation.shtml
- The beginnings of the indulgence debate
ARCH.8°.G.1518 (5) Sermon von Ablass und Gnade, Basel 1518
ARCH.8°.G.1518 (6) Sermon von Ablass und Gnade, Leipzig 1518
ARCH.8°.G.1519 (8) Collected volume of eight pamphlets, containing as
8) On Aplas von Rom kan man wol selig werden
- The Papal debate and Illustrated German literature
ARCH.8°.G.1521(19) Passional Christi und Antichristi, Erfurt 1521
ARCH.8°.G.1524(26) Hans Sachs: First Reformation Dialogue, Augsburg 1524
ARCH.8°.G.1527 (7) Hans Sachs: Prophecy against Papacy, Nuremberg 1527
ARCH.8°.G.1527 (8) Hans Sachs: Prophecy against Papacy, Nuremberg 1527
Historic Poetry Collections
- VET.ITAL.I.A.119 Il Petrarca, Venice 1560
- ZAH.I.B.2 Joachim du Bellay, Recueil de poesie, Paris: Fédéric Morel 1561
- VET.ITAL.I.A.163(2) Tavola di tutte le rime de’ sonetti, e canzoni del Petrarca, Venice 1586
- FINCH.II.18 Rime di Paolo Rolli (1687-1765), Verona 1733 (digitized)
- 39.K.24.B / VET.GER.III.B.985 Minnelieder, Ludewig Tieck, Berlin 1803