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Around Oxford Libraries Palaeography

Bodleian Centre for the Study of the Book Seminars

Palaeography Seminar: Medieval manuscripts master classes Hilary Term 2022, Mondays, 2:15 pmRegistration required: MUST BE REGISTERED 24 HOURS BEFORE THE SEMINAR TO RECEIVE A LINK TO ATTEND ONLINEIn-person seminars, if offered, will meet in the Lecture Theare, Weston Library. 17 Jan (week 1) No seminar31 Jan. (week 3) Matthew Cheung Salisbury, ‘A late medieval English noted breviary (MS. …

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Digital Scholarly Editing

In collaboration with Digital Scholarship@Oxford (DiSc) and the Digital Hub at Jesus College, the Oxford Centre for Textual Editing and Theory (OCTET) is organising a brief introduction to Digital Scholarly Editing on 2 November 2022 (5pm – 6pm) at Jesus College’s Ship Street Centre (University of Oxford). The speakers are Emma Huber and Joshua Schäuble.  …

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Buying and Reading Anti-Papal Polemic

Some remarks on the reception of the Antithesis figurata vitae Christi et Antichristi and the Passional Christi und Antichristi. Revised version of the address given by Ulrich Bubenheimer during the launch of the new edition An effective method for researching the reception of a 16th-century edition is the so-called Exemplarforschung, i.e. recording as many surviving …

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Around Oxford Student Projects

Publication beyond Printing

Oxford Bibliographical Society, Publication beyond printing. 27th May 2021, 5.15 pm. In a series of ‘lightening talks’, eight Leverhulme Doctoral Students will present their research: Aoife Ni Chroidheain, Natascha Domeisen, Edward Jones, Daria Kondakova, Micah MacKay, Rosemary Maxton, Katie Noble and Daniel Wojahn This event will be held virtually, by ZOOM. To attend please contact …

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