Friday, 28 April 2023, 5-6:30pm in the Taylor Institution Library, Room 2 and Voltaire Room Prof. em. Charles Webster’s book ‘In Times of Strife’ explores the pursuit of humanitarian objectives in the face of perilous conditions of war, exile and extreme social dislocation. It brings together four pairs of European intellectuals and their journeys through …
Adapting the Nibelungenlied: Carl Otto Czeschka, Fritz Lang, and Ulrike Draesner
by Christopher Summers In 1908, a children’s book version of the Nibelungenlied in a retelling by Franz Keim was published with illustrations by Carl Otto Czeschka. While the book has been largely forgotten, the striking visual language of Czeschka has proven to be of lasting influence. In the blog post, I am going to highlight …
E A Lowe Lectures in Palaeography 2023
Manuscripts of Character: Codex, Ethos, and Authority in Byzantium and Beyond Professor Niels Gaul will deliver the E A Lowe Lectures at 5pm on the following days in the MBI Al Jaber Auditorium, Corpus Christi College. Niels Gaul is A G Leventis Professor of Byzantine Studies and Director of the Centre for Late Antique, Islamic and …
Caring for Collections at St Edmund Hall’s Old Library
Last week, we had the opportunity to have our session on ‘Caring for Collections’ and ‘Library Management’ at the charming Old Library at St Edmund Hall, an apt location given the date coinciding with the feast day of St Edmund. James Howarth, the librarian, first gave us an introduction on the early history of the …
Latin Palaeography, or How to Write a Book
By Charlotte Copeman Having spent the last five weeks building up our knowledge of manuscripts from paper, to ink, to assembly, to binding, last week’s Latin palaeography session finally brought us to the styling and construction of the letters and words themselves. Our crash-course began with Dr Laure Miolo introducing us to the three principal …
Structures of the Manuscript, or What Makes a Book
By Ksenia Dugaeva In our ‘Structures of the manuscript book’ seminar last week, we continued our foray into understanding how manuscripts come together – focusing in this session on the journey from sheet to codex to bound book. All of us browse, read, and generally handle books in our daily and academic lives, and a …
Violent Victorian Medievalism
Taylor Institution Library, 21 Nov-2 Dec 22 and online medievalism, n. the reception, interpretation or recreation of the European Middle Ages in post-medieval cultures Louise D’Arcens, 2016 ‘Violent Victorian Medievalism’ is an exhibition taking place at the Taylor Institution Library (21st November-2nd December 2022) and online. It tells part of the story of how ‘medieval’ …
Parchment, Paper, Pigments & Ink
By Thomas Godfrey Understanding materiality can teach us a lot about a manuscript. Seeing as we will be looking at many manuscripts over the course of the year, we were granted the opportunity to get to grips with the fundamentals of how they are made. Through attending a workshop led by Andrew Honey, Robert Minte, …
“worten · ald mit werken” – Reminiscing about manuscripts, group projects and Covid
A short report about my first time meeting Bodleian Library MS. Germ. e. 5 by Marlene Schilling To be honest, I had nearly forgotten about Bodleian Library Ms. Germ. e. 5 in the 18 month since handing in, in March 2021, my MSt. in Modern Languages Method Option essay that focused on this particular 14th century manuscript. I had spent …
Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures Michaelmas 2022 Term Card
the Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures (CMTC) at The Queen’s College (Oxford) is hosting the termly “Work in progress” colloquium on Tuesday 8th November (3,30–5,00pm UK time) and the Michaelmas Term Lecture on Wednesday 23rd November (5,15–6,45pm). For further information please consult the programme below. Vittorio Danovi, Dirk Meyer, Gabriele Rota *** CMTC presents — research talks (Michaelmas Term 2022) (1) “Work in Progress” colloquium Tuesday 8th …