Exhibitions Libraries Student Projects

Georges de Peyrebrune in the Taylorian

The Taylor Institution’s collection of Georges de Peyrebrune’s Works, a unique collection in the UK. by Marie Martine, DPhil in Modern Languages (German and French) I came across Georges de Peyrebrune during the first year of my DPhil as I was looking for women writers in contact with naturalist literary circles in end-of-nineteenth-century France. I …

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Around Oxford Libraries

Faust in Oxford

by Jed Surio (MSt in Modern Languages) Evanghélia Stead ‘Goethe’s Faust I outlined. Moritz Retzsch’s prints in circulation’ (open access available via Brill). The seminar consisted of two sessions with Evanghelia Stead: on 25 October 2023 a lecture followed by a show-and-tell session making use of the vast material on ‘Faust’ and ‘Werther’ brought together …

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Marker and charcoal drawing 'Deportation' by Charlotte Buresova. A group of people with their heads down carry their belongings in bags and sacks on their backs. In the foreground two older men and an older women, behind them a younger mother with a child, the rest of the goup fading into the implied background, where a cart with two people on it can be destinguished.
Around Oxford Exhibitions

Exhibition ‘In Times of Strife’

An Exhibition held in the Voltaire Room, Taylor Institution Library, Oxford University, 28 April 2023 to 12 May 2023. This small exhibition marks the publication of Charles Webster, In Times of Strife, Treasures of the Taylorian Series Three: Cultural Memory 5. It brings together holdings of the Taylor Institution Library and of Charles Webster’s personal …

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Around Oxford Digital Humanities Libraries

Violent Victorian Medievalism

Taylor Institution Library, 21 Nov-2 Dec 22 and online medievalism, n. the reception, interpretation or recreation of the European Middle Ages in post-medieval cultures Louise D’Arcens, 2016 ‘Violent Victorian Medievalism’ is an exhibition taking place at the Taylor Institution Library (21st November-2nd December 2022) and online. It tells part of the story of how ‘medieval’ …

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Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen 3 – The Publication

By Henrike Lähnemann This is part of a series of introductory posts for the updated edition and translation of Martin Luther’s Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen und Fürbitte der Heiligen (An Open Letter on Translating and the Intercession of Saints), published as Volume 5 of the Treasures of the Taylorian. Series One: Reformation Pamphlets. Ebook of the publication 1. The Historical …

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Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen 1 – The Historical Context

By Ulrich Bubenheimer This is part of a series of introductory posts for the updated edition and translation of Martin Luther’s Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen und Fürbitte der Heiligen (An Open Letter on Translating and the Intercession of Saints), published as Volume 5 of the Treasures of the Taylorian. Series One: Reformation Pamphlets. Ebook of the …

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Around Oxford Digital Humanities

Launch of the Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen

When: Friday 28 October, 5-6:30pm. Where: Taylor Institution Library, Room 2, St Giles, OX1 3NA, Oxford. What: Launch of the updated and expanded edition of the Taylorian copy of Martin Luther’s seminal ‘Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen und Fürbitte der Heiligen’ (Open Letter on Translating and the Intercession of Saints) with a presentation on Luther’s translation principles …

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Around Oxford Digital Humanities

500 Years in the Making: Editing Luther’s De Libertate Christiana

Madeleine Ahern The Taylor Institution Library’s Latin copy of Martin Luther’s 1520 work On Christian Freedom (De Libertate Christiana) sits in the Special Collections storeroom on a rolling stack among an impressive selection of early modern printed texts from the Reformation. The text is identifiable by its shelfmark ARCH. 8o.G.1521.10 and its brown leather re-bound exterior with …

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