History of the Book Group 2019/20
About HoB Posts

The 2019/2020 History of the Book Group

The combined workshops and seminars for the Palaeography, History of the Book and Digital Humanities provide training in dealing with manuscripts and books across different historical periods and European languages. The aim is to combine philological training with project work which takes seriously the material turn in Modern Languages and will enable students to do …

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About HoB Around Oxford Digital Humanities Hands-On Libraries Palaeography

Introducing the Method Option “Palaeography, History of the Book and Digital Humanities”

The combined workshops and seminars for the Palaeography, History of the Book and Digital Humanities provide training in dealing with manuscripts and books across different historical periods and European languages. The aim is to combine philological training with project work which takes seriously the material turn in Modern Languages and will enable students to do …

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About HoB

Launching the History of the Book Blog

At the last session of the History of the Book class for Michaelmas Term, the group officially launched this blog. Watch the short video-clip with reflections on what “studying History of the Book” means for all of us. …and – as a Christmas special – a DIY video on how to make your own (mock-)medieval …

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