Taylor Institution Library
Libraries Posts

Introduction to Special Collections at the Taylorian

Welcome to the Taylor Institution Library!  The Taylor Institution is the University of Oxford’s library for Modern Foreign Languages.  It was funded by Sir Robert Taylor in a codicil to his will in 1788. Due to his will being contested, the University didn’t have access to the funds until 1834, when it was also considering …

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Around Oxford Libraries Taylor Reformation

Call for Readers for 500 Years of Christian Freedom

This article was originally posted on the Taylor Reformation blog which has now become part of the Taylor Editions website with a dedicated Reformation Pamphlets series. Henrike Lähnemann In November 1520, Martin Luther published his pamphlet “On Christian Freedom” (Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen / De libertate christiana) which became the best-selling book of the 16th …

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History of the Book Group 2019/20
About HoB Posts

The 2019/2020 History of the Book Group

The combined workshops and seminars for the Palaeography, History of the Book and Digital Humanities provide training in dealing with manuscripts and books across different historical periods and European languages. The aim is to combine philological training with project work which takes seriously the material turn in Modern Languages and will enable students to do …

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Taylor Institution Library ARCH 8° G 1519 (11)
About HoB Around Oxford Digital Humanities Hands-On Libraries Palaeography

Introducing the Method Option “Palaeography, History of the Book and Digital Humanities”

The combined workshops and seminars for the Palaeography, History of the Book and Digital Humanities provide training in dealing with manuscripts and books across different historical periods and European languages. The aim is to combine philological training with project work which takes seriously the material turn in Modern Languages and will enable students to do …

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The Beauty of Mistakes: Papermaking at Home

By Luise Morawetz It started with a talk about paper flaws. In one of the first weeks I stayed at home during the Corona pandemic, I saw an online talk by Andrew Honey, conservator of the Bodleian Libraries. He was explaining how to find paper faults in seventeenth-century books and what they can tell us …

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