Friday 16th June from 5-6:30pm. Taylor Institution Library, Main Hall and Voltaire Room with a presentation of the Digital Editions of the History of the Book students 2022/23 and an introduction to the exhibition (on view until 26 June). In the order of appearance:
Tag: History of the Book
Nigel Palmer as Library Fellow at St Edmund Hall
In honour of the symposium Literary, religious and manuscript cultures of the German-speaking lands: a symposium in memory of Nigel F. Palmer (1946-2022) on 19/20 May 2023, St Edmund Hall librarian James Howarth set up an exhibition in the Old Library of books related to the late Professor Nigel F. Palmer’s research, his activities and …
Exhibition ‘In Times of Strife’
An Exhibition held in the Voltaire Room, Taylor Institution Library, Oxford University, 28 April 2023 to 12 May 2023. This small exhibition marks the publication of Charles Webster, In Times of Strife, Treasures of the Taylorian Series Three: Cultural Memory 5. It brings together holdings of the Taylor Institution Library and of Charles Webster’s personal …
Structures of the Manuscript, or What Makes a Book
By Ksenia Dugaeva In our ‘Structures of the manuscript book’ seminar last week, we continued our foray into understanding how manuscripts come together – focusing in this session on the journey from sheet to codex to bound book. All of us browse, read, and generally handle books in our daily and academic lives, and a …
Parchment, Paper, Pigments & Ink
By Thomas Godfrey Understanding materiality can teach us a lot about a manuscript. Seeing as we will be looking at many manuscripts over the course of the year, we were granted the opportunity to get to grips with the fundamentals of how they are made. Through attending a workshop led by Andrew Honey, Robert Minte, …
“worten · ald mit werken” – Reminiscing about manuscripts, group projects and Covid
A short report about my first time meeting Bodleian Library MS. Germ. e. 5 by Marlene Schilling To be honest, I had nearly forgotten about Bodleian Library Ms. Germ. e. 5 in the 18 month since handing in, in March 2021, my MSt. in Modern Languages Method Option essay that focused on this particular 14th century manuscript. I had spent …
Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures Michaelmas 2022 Term Card
the Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures (CMTC) at The Queen’s College (Oxford) is hosting the termly “Work in progress” colloquium on Tuesday 8th November (3,30–5,00pm UK time) and the Michaelmas Term Lecture on Wednesday 23rd November (5,15–6,45pm). For further information please consult the programme below. Vittorio Danovi, Dirk Meyer, Gabriele Rota *** CMTC presents — research talks (Michaelmas Term 2022) (1) “Work in Progress” colloquium Tuesday 8th …
Dynamic Books and the Power of Good Data
By Kate McKee A blog post from 2019 by a former History of the Book student documents the findings of Professor Cristina Dondi’s pioneering research on the material evidence in incunabula since the project’s inception in 2014. In this blog post, I focus on the 2021 illustrated copy census of an early printed edition of …
Can you tell it’s a book from the cover?
In the first week of the History of the Book methods option, students and researchers gathered in the Taylor Institute Library to explore items from the special collections that challenge the very notion of the ‘book’. From the curious collection of printed and handwritten manuscript pages rebound in Arch.Fol.It.1478(1) where Petrarch’s ‘sonetti et cançone’ are …
Printing 75 Years of Oxford-Bonn Twinning
CELEBRATION WEEKEND for the 75th ANNIVERSARY OF SIGNING OF the LINK AGREEMENT on 9 OCTOBER 1947 FRIDAY 7 October 7.15 p.m. German Lutheran Congregation House, 15a Lathbury Road, Oxford. Left-hand door! Talk by the Revd Donald Norwood: A pre-war contribution towards twinning. German Refugees in 1938/1939 Oxford and the work of the Revd Nathaniel Micklem …