Digital Humanities

Digital Editions Community of Practice

Taylor Institution Library Room 2Thursdays 1.15–2pm, even weeks, Hilary Term 2022 Each session will include a brief talk, followed by an opportunity for discussion. Hot water, tea, coffee, milk and biscuits will be provided. Please feel free to bring your own lunch (and a mug for the hot drinks!) Week Two (26 January 2022): TEI …

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About HoB Palaeography Student Projects

Hands, ink and abbreviations

A palaeographic analysis of Bodleian Library MS. Germ. e. 5. by Marlene Schilling Report on a History of the Book project In the academic year 2020/21, six brave Germanists took up the challenge of a special group project: editing and understanding the newly digitised manuscript Bodleian Library MS. Germ. e. 5. (part of the Polonsky …

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