Around Oxford Digital Humanities

Illuminating the Past: Czech Printed Images during the Reformation (c. 1450-1550) and the ‘e-ilustrace’ Database

A Presentation by Veronika Sladká One hundred years before Martin Luther’s arrival, the Reformation had already established itself in One hundred years before Martin Luther’s arrival, the Reformation had already established itself in Bohemia, resulting in a significant aversion towards sacred images. Nevertheless, bibliographical records suggest that around 6,000 printed images had been disseminated through …

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Exhibitions Libraries Student Projects

Georges de Peyrebrune in the Taylorian

The Taylor Institution’s collection of Georges de Peyrebrune’s Works, a unique collection in the UK. by Marie Martine, DPhil in Modern Languages (German and French) I came across Georges de Peyrebrune during the first year of my DPhil as I was looking for women writers in contact with naturalist literary circles in end-of-nineteenth-century France. I …

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About HoB

History of the Book: some introductory reading

Preparatory reading matter for the Method Option ‘Palaeography, History of the Book, Digital Humanities’ focussing on general introductions to book history which are easily available via SOLO. Updated version of a commented list compiled by Nigel F. Palmer; in chronological order of first publication. For Oxford students: This is available as a hyperlinked list on …

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Around Oxford Palaeography

E A Lowe Lectures in Palaeography 2023

Manuscripts of Character: Codex, Ethos, and Authority in Byzantium and Beyond Professor Niels Gaul will deliver the E A Lowe Lectures at 5pm on the following days in the MBI Al Jaber Auditorium, Corpus Christi College.  Niels Gaul is A G Leventis Professor of Byzantine Studies and Director of the Centre for Late Antique, Islamic and …

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About HoB Around Oxford Palaeography

Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures Michaelmas 2022 Term Card

the Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures (CMTC) at The Queen’s College (Oxford) is hosting the termly “Work in progress” colloquium on Tuesday 8th November (3,30–5,00pm UK time) and the Michaelmas Term Lecture on Wednesday 23rd November (5,15–6,45pm). For further information please consult the programme below. Vittorio Danovi, Dirk Meyer, Gabriele Rota *** CMTC presents — research talks (Michaelmas Term 2022) (1)  “Work in Progress” colloquium Tuesday 8th …

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Around Oxford

Printing 75 Years of Oxford-Bonn Twinning

CELEBRATION WEEKEND for the 75th ANNIVERSARY OF SIGNING OF the LINK AGREEMENT on 9 OCTOBER 1947 FRIDAY 7 October 7.15 p.m. German Lutheran Congregation House, 15a Lathbury Road, Oxford.  Left-hand door! Talk by the Revd Donald Norwood: A pre-war contribution towards twinning.  German Refugees in 1938/1939 Oxford and the work of the Revd Nathaniel Micklem …

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Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen 4 – Reading Early Modern German

By Henrike Lähnemann This is part of a series of introductory posts for the updated edition and translation of Martin Luther’s Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen und Fürbitte der Heiligen (An Open Letter on Translating and the Intercession of Saints), published as Volume 5 of the Treasures of the Taylorian. Series One: Reformation Pamphlets. Ebook of the publication 1. The Historical …

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