About HoB Hands-On Palaeography

Latin Palaeography, or How to Write a Book  

By Charlotte Copeman Having spent the last five weeks building up our knowledge of manuscripts from paper, to ink, to assembly, to binding, last week’s Latin palaeography session finally brought us to the styling and construction of the letters and words themselves.   Our crash-course began with Dr Laure Miolo introducing us to the three principal …

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About HoB Around Oxford Palaeography

Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures Michaelmas 2022 Term Card

the Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures (CMTC) at The Queen’s College (Oxford) is hosting the termly “Work in progress” colloquium on Tuesday 8th November (3,30–5,00pm UK time) and the Michaelmas Term Lecture on Wednesday 23rd November (5,15–6,45pm). For further information please consult the programme below. Vittorio Danovi, Dirk Meyer, Gabriele Rota *** CMTC presents — research talks (Michaelmas Term 2022) (1)  “Work in Progress” colloquium Tuesday 8th …

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About HoB Palaeography Student Projects

Hands, ink and abbreviations

A palaeographic analysis of Bodleian Library MS. Germ. e. 5. by Marlene Schilling Report on a History of the Book project In the academic year 2020/21, six brave Germanists took up the challenge of a special group project: editing and understanding the newly digitised manuscript Bodleian Library MS. Germ. e. 5. (part of the Polonsky …

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About HoB Hands-On Libraries

From the Holy Land to the Bodleian

Arnold von Harff’s travelogue travels to Oxford by Aysha Strachan The year is 1813. The Bodleian library acquires what is later to be known as MS Bodley 972 as part of a collection of late medieval travelogues which tell of the encounters of knights on their pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  One of the most …

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