Taylor Editions and the Centre for the Study of the Book present: Digital Editions Live – Launching the Oxford History of the Book Projects 2021
The series presents projects which have been developed by Master students in the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages as part of their ‘Method Option’ Palaeography, History of the Book, Digital Humanities, https://historyofthebook.mml.ox.ac.uk/. The full playlist of events on the Oxford Medieval Studies Youtube channel.
Launches feature new digital editions on https://editions.mml.ox.ac.uk/, the Taylor Editions website, and a live showing of manuscripts and books. The sessions took place during the Oxford Trinity Term, 28 April to 16 June 2021, every Wednesday 3-5pm were held via Teams and recorded. After term, a workshop in conjunction with Dark Archives took place to reflect on the methodology of editing, presenting and teaching History of the Book on 25 June.
For further information, contact Henrike Lähnemann <henrike.laehnemann@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk>
1) 28 April 2021 Introduction and Animals in French Manuscripts Watch the launch.
- Henrike Lähnemann, Emma Huber, Andrew Dunning: Introduction to Digital Editions Live
- Sebastian Dows-Miller: Re-awakening Merton’s Beasts (Merton College, MS. 249). Edition. Twitter account @MertonBeasts
2) 5 May 2021 Travelling Manuscripts Watch the launch
- Eva Neufeind, Agnes Hilger, Mary Boyle, Aysha Strachan, Jasmin Leuchtenberg: Arnold von Harff’s Travelogue in the Bodleian Library (MS. Bodley 972) and in other manuscripts. Edition.
3) 12 May 2021 Early Printed Holdings in Taylorian and Bodleian Watch the launch
- Alexandra Hertlein: Jacob Locher Panegyricus (Inc. e. G7.1497.2./Douce 73)
- Agnes Hilger and Alyssa Steiner: Pfaffennarr (Taylor ARCH.8o.G.1521(27) & Bodleian Library Tr.Luth. 16 (78)). Edition.
- Sam Griffiths and Christian Tofte: Marginalia in Plutarch’s Vidas Paralelas (Taylor ARCH Fol. Sp. 1491 & Bodleian Library Inc. c. S4.1491.1-2). Edition. The Intriguing Case of an annotated Spanish Incunabulum. An Appeal for Annotations
4) 19 May 2021 Indigenous Languages: Tupi and Welsh Watch the launch
- Mary Newman: The oldest Tupi manuscript (MS. Bodley 617). Edition. Twitter account @TupiCorpus
- Lois Williams: Cân o Senn iw Hên Feistr TOBACCO (1718), NLW. North PRINT W.s. 156. Edition.
5) 26 May 2021 Italian Manuscripts Watch the launch
- Katie Bastiman and Holly Abrahamson: Dante Ante-Purgatorio (MS. Canon.Ital. 108). Edition. Blog post Meeting the manuscript. Blog post Goals for the digital edition. Twitter account @ante_purgatory.
- Giuseppe Nanfitò: Boccaccio, Filocolo (MS. Canon. Ital. 28). Edition.
6) 2 June 2021 Collective Editing and Linked Data
- Josephine Bewerunge, Molly Ford, Sam Heywood, Caroline Lehnert, Molly Lewis, Marlene Schilling: A collective edition of a German devotional miscellany (MS. Germ. e. 5). Edition. Watch the launch.
- Daniella Apodaca: Le Roman de Flamenca DH project across editions and translations. Watch the presentation.
7) 9 June 2021 Transforming Manuscripts Watch the launch
- Carrie Heusinkveld: Reconsidering the Metamorphoses by Clément Marot (MS. Douce 117). Edition.
- Javaria Abbasi: Pedro de Medina’s Libro de cosmographia (1538), (MS. Canon. Ital. 243). Edition.
8) 16 June 2021 Special Book Launch: 500 Years Passional Christi und Antichristi. Watch the launch
- Edmund Wareham presents the newest book in the Reformation Pamphlet series, the ‘Passional Christi und Antichristi’, Taylor ARCH 8° G. 1521 (19). Blog. Edition.

The fool reading; title page of the anonymous Reformation pamphlet ‘Der Pfaffennarr’ (1521) which is a pirated and mirrored version of the book fool from Sebastian Brant’s Ship of Fools. Cf. launch on 12 May.
Taylor Institution Library ARCH. 8° G. 1521 (27), fol. A1r
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